Have general supervision and control of policies, procedures and operations of the school (subject to the approval of board). Call and preside at all meetings of the Board and the membership as a whole. Keep membership informed of the affairs and conditions of the school.
Vice President
Preside in absence of the President. In charge of setting up a system for tracking attendance of general meetings and yard day. Work with teachers to plan educational component of general meetings. Succeed the president if the office becomes vacant.
Responsible for timely return of minutes after board meeting and posting minutes for members. Responsible for updating the alumni list. Act in place of Vice President, whenever s/he is not available.
Collect all tuition due on the first of the month, track who has paid and send delinquent tuition reminders.
Membership Coordinator
Responsible for being the initial contact for potential members. Maintain waitlist of prospective members. Keep records/files of each member. Be responsible for maintaining maximum enrollment. Call the support job coordinator when a new member joins to assign a job.
Records Coordinator
Responsible for keeping files of members’ medical records and insurance policies and any other required forms. Liaison to the school district and current or prospective membership during the enrollment process. Create email contact groups of the entire membership, the Board and each individual class. Keep email groups updated monthly. Assist the Membership Coordinator with their duties and fill in for him/her in case of absence. Attend monthly Board meetings.
Support Job Coordinator
Assign all support jobs, creating, and eliminating jobs as needed. Contact for members who wish to change support jobs. Keep support job list updated and posted at the school. Keep master file of each job responsibility. Post members support jobs. Works with membership chair to know when a new member enters and place them in a position. Works with Vice President to track efforts of membership through tracking sheets, binders. Tracks how much time spent. Whether they had any difficulties/ need any help completing a project. If they have any improvements or suggestions for that support job. Talk to the board to make changes to any position or if you need help solving any problems.
Events Coordinator or co-events coordinators
Creates projects for school to raise funds. Oversee the Events Support Persons, form a special events committee that meets once a month and reports planning for special events to the board meetings.
Website Support Coordinator
Works with Board to update the website monthly with current information: calendar, announcements, important dates, special events etc. Make sure we are up to date and paid for both our web address and web administration.
Public Relations Coordinator
Works with the Sales Chair and Events Coordinator to make the public aware of our school and fundraising/sales/educational events. Make sure our school is represented in yellow pages, websites, and other marketing sources. Duties include: advertise the school to fill openings, promote school sponsored activities such as fundraisers, distribute flyers (created by the Flyer Design/ Sign Design/Copier) to local businesses, Live Oak Resource Center, Education Resource Center, other preschools etc. Also put information in the calendars for Soquel/Capitola/Aptos Times, the Sentinel, and other local Newspapers. Email other Co-ops, adult school, school board and targeted political candidates know about our events. Be in touch with the Adult School/Co-op/ Soquel High Liason to pass along information.
Class Representatives
Responsible for creating monthly calendars. Liaison between class and board, for fundraising events and policy changes. Assist teacher in communication class information. Liaison between teacher and class. (x2 One for each class).
Photographer/Yearbook (One for every class, 4 total) Responsible for taking digital images for your class. Create a picture day for the school. Set up an account for your class at on online photo company(TBA). Get email addresses from parents and invite them to the site. Download all the pictures on to the site monthly so parent can view and order pics for themselves. Take photos at all school events: field trips, special events etc.. Make sure parents know about the photos for the end of the year photo/yearbooks. Print up a few of each child for in class projects.
special events
Design the decorations and coordinates the volunteers for the set-up and cleanup for all the special events. Is a part of the special events committee that meets once a month.
Organize community service events for our members such as: beach clean up, holiday giving tree, thanksgiving food drive, artwork to senior homes. Be creative with ideas so we can give back to the community that supports us.
Fundraising support people work with the Special Events Chair to organize the school wide special fundraising events. Responsibilities include working with teachers and members to organize volunteers and meeting with Chair to plan events. Events are chosen by the Special Events chair and may include: Soup Night fundraiser, community fundraisers/outreach, Dinner with auction, Jamba Juice card sales, Read-a-thon with Book Night etc.
Curriculum Support (One for each class)
This job entails working closely with teachers to lend extra support to special projects or themes being used in the classroom. The person may be asked to perform research on a particular subject, for example monarch butterflies during season, at a public library or online, or using materials from the teacher. Check with teachers about up coming themes. Create space for the children's artwork on the wall- please work with the other classes to display the children's artwork in the school so there is equal representation. Teachers will give directions for two projects each month.
Librarian/Book Orders
Organize and maintain children’s bookshelf and book closet, keep books organized and neat. Check books for damage, go through bookshelves and remove damaged books. Teachers often select a theme for books and will select book titles for you to find. Re-shelve books. Keep parent library neat and organized. Check with teachers on themes and select the book to be put on the bookshelf once a month. Leave a sheet in the book cabinet where parents and teachers can recommend books they would like to have or need for a theme.
Responsible for obtaining age appropriate book order forms (2-3 different ones). When the catalogs arrive place them in parent pockets. Write on white board when orders are due and work with newsletter. Collect orders from book order box. Organize and tally orders, mail order forms, or order online. Distribute books when they arrive. Pay bills to book order companies with checks (each person makes an individual check to each company). Book orders are taken several times per year.
Evaluations Coordinator
Responsible for creating evaluation policies and implementation of policies for teachers and classes at least two times a year. Update the evaluation form yearly. Evaluation forms should be filled out and completed by the end of January. The evaluation form will cover curriculum, schedule, the Board, parent performance, communication, support jobs, and content of the night meetings (per Bylaws).
Flyer Design/Copier
Responsible for any copying, die-cut making and laminating needed by teachers or board members. Also work as a part of the fundraising team to create and copy flyers and make signs for fundraising events. Works with Publicity Coordinator to get information out.
inside organization
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Responsible for making sure the school has necessary supplies and procedures for emergencies. Make sure the earthquake disaster kit and supplies are well stocked. At the beginning of the school year, each parent will need to provide and emergency food supply snack for their child (nonperishable food, picture of family, note from parent, water, etc. ). Make sure each parent has turned in their supplies. Check fire extinguishers and emergency water supplies every six months. Make sure the school is up to date on fire code laws. By end of September- have parents turn in their emergency supply snack. Refer to handbook on emergency snack info. Contact class rep for parents who haven’t turned them in. Create and post a check off sheet for each class to make sure they have done their monthly fire drill and earthquake procedures. Remind teachers to drill if they have forgotten. By Min October- Post a list of emergency supplies at the school and ask parents to donate the food needed for emergency supplies. ASAP- Post at the school the emergency procedures- The Adult school and Soquel High school are working together to create new emergency procedures that are in line with the high school.
Responsible for keeping the front entryway clear, clean, organized and presentable. Decorate the front entry wall quarterly with different themes (ie. seasonal, history of school, pictures of events or students. Remove any adds/brochures that have been left, remove any outdated magazines. Make sure that parents remove art from cubbies if it has been there too long by leaving a note in parent pocket (some art projects are bulky and glittery and can make a mess). Make sure sign in area is clean and clear from clutter. Make sure there is a pen paper for members to take messages on the phone.
Laundry (x3)
Responsible for washing, folding and putting away the laundry/costumes. Laundry needs done at least once a week. Responsible for lost and found. Clear out lost and found items every quarter and make sure to give notice to membership to check it out before removing. Items can be donated or placed in the clothes organizer in the children's bathroom. Sometimes there are spills where parents use towels to clean it up. If left in the hamper too long, it can get pretty smelly. Spot clean costumes and check them regularly because they can get pretty dirty.
Supply Shopper (x2)
Responsible for buying supplies for the school. Expenses will be reimbursed by the treasurer. A supply list is kept in the kitchen where teachers and others will list needed supplies. Shopper is responsible for checking supply items in the kitchen, bathroom and shed and replenishing before items run out, i.e. toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, bleach, cleaning supplies, etc. The two shoppers can divide time so that each shops every other month, or whatever arrangement works out best. Keep a list of commonly ordered products supply list: soap, paper towels, toilet paper, etc...Work with each other to create a schedule or if someone has a preference for a store. Determine how often the shopping is needed. The most common supplies we run out of is paper towels and cleaning supplies. Please keep a good stock of these items.
outside organization
Yard Day Organizer
Responsible for working with the gardeners, fix it persons and teachers to organize yard days. Put up a sign in the classroom and send out an email reminding everyone about yard days. Two weeks before yard day, check in with teachers to generate the project list and purchase materials as needed. Provide snack for workers on yard day (reimbursed by school).
FIX-IT/Safety Person(x2)
Repair toys and equipment as needed. Communicate with the teachers, board members and make-up coordinator about items in need of repair. If you need help fixing an item, discuss it with the teacher and/or board to arrange for outside repair upon approval. You will be reimbursed by the treasurer. Organizes jobs for yard day with the safety/cleaning coordinator, creates a list and posts it in the classroom.
Gardener (x2)
Responsible for keeping the outside areas in good order. These persons will also care for the garden boxes in the fenced area (life lab). This includes coordinating with the teachers to plan planting projects with the children. A time commitment of a few hours once a month per gardener is needed. This time should not be during school hours. Responsibilities include: mow lawn, edge, blow leaves, weed flower beds and planters both inside and outside fence, rake pine needles from sand boxes, etc. Yearly trim vine to prevent seeds growing (toxic). Also schedule activities with teachers to involve the children in yard work, ie. raking leaves, weeding, planting bulbs, flowers and vegetables. Organize yard days with outside organizer and fix it persons. Two yard days per school year.